
Arts & Sciences Competitions

Below are descriptions of the Arts & Sciences contests we are sponsoring this year. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mistress Yseult of Broceliande via the official event email, Winners will be announced and prizes awarded at Prize Court, 5 pm, Sunday, May 26.

Sign up for the Scribal, Costume, Decorated Useful Object, and Brewing competitions on site on Friday between 4 and 8 p.m. or between 9 and 10 a.m. Saturday morning at the A&S pavilion next to the list fields on the great meadow. You will be given a scheduled time/place to present your entry to the judges. Please bring basic documentation showing that your entry is appropriate to its time and place, and be prepared to explain to the judges how you made it and why you made the choices you did of method and material. See specific sign up instructions for Voyage Cooking below.

All entries for the costume, scribal, decorated useful object, and brewing competitions must have been made after Egil’s Tourney, May 2023.

COSTUME – one piece of pre-1600 clothing made since May 2023. Please be prepared to explain the historical sources for your creation – pictured and/or written – and the choices you have made in recreating it for current SCA wear – fabric, sewing techniques, original purpose vs. current purpose, etc. Prize: 40” x 30” silk blend brocade of St. Lambert, 7-8th century, suitable for trimming a tunic or gown. 

SCRIBAL– a charter or other illuminated piece of artwork that you have designed since May 2023. The original piece must be present (not just a photo). Please be prepared to explain the historical inspiration(s) for your entry and how you may have modified them to make the charter more appropriate for the SCA. Prize: a scribal charter box made by Ulf the Wanderer, donated by Alan Bowyer, left unfinished for you to add your own decoration.

DECORATED USEFUL OBJECT – a useful object to which you have added some form of decoration since May 2023. Extra consideration if you made the object as well. Please be prepared to explain the historical sources for the decoration on the object, how you may have adapted them for this application, and tell us about the materials and method you used to create the entry. Prize, a dressing box with mirror.

BREWING – this is actually three separate contests. For each entry, please be prepared to explain the historical beverage you are basing your entry on and how you may have adapted modern production techniques to approximate that historical style of beverage.

Fermented malted beverage (beer, ale, etc.)

Wine or Mead

Cordial (a flavor infused alcohol drink)

Prizes: for beer and wine, each a wooden box with styrofoam insulation by Ulf the Wanderer, donated by Alan Bowyer, left unfinished for you to add your own decoration. For cordials, a large blue glass bowl (keys for scale).

VOYAGE COOKING — (prepare a meal from given ingredients) – Each cook gets a bag of ingredients. You may get the bag of a sea-based trader, or you may get the bag of a port based cook. You may get military ship rations, or food from a great Chinese trading fleet. You’ll find out when you choose your bag and open it! You will be required to trade at least one item from your bag with an item from the bag of another entrant.  There will be tokens in the bags to document your trade. You will be allowed two items from your own kitchen. It is not necessary to use all items from the bag, though it is encouraged. Water counts as an ingredient if you choose a ship-based bag, and salt counts as one if you choose a port-based bag. Let the cooking begin! Prize is a large covered ceramic pot.

This competition happens entirely at the event but you must be signed up for it by May 12. If you missed the deadline, check at the A&S pavilion when you get to site. We might have a few extra bags. To sign up, please send your modern and SCA names, email and/or text number to and put Voyage Cooking in the subject line.



a competition sponsored by HL Kattera Giese

Have fabulous thrifting skills, sewing magic, just want to stretch those creative juices?

This is a challenge everyone can take part in – make garb out of at least one tablecloth.

The time period is up to you but must be pre 1600. 

Bring it done or, in perfect SCA fashion, sew it on the way to the event.

The majority of the garb must be table cloth. Bring your scraps with you so that we can judge how much was used and a picture of yourself – in whatever pose – with your tablecloth(s) before cutting and getting down to business.

Be prepared to bring stories of mishaps, punishment pile and time out challenges to discuss with others as we geek out about the fabulousness of each garb with the public.

Scoring with be based on the amount of table cloth used, the look of the garb, color usage, and, of course, can it be safely worn and modeled. All skill levels welcome! A beginner has as much chance as winning as a laurel — we will not be inspecting seams!

The point of this is to have fun and to remind ourselves that usable, beautiful cloth can come from humble heritages.

Sign up for the Challenge on site from 4-8 pm Friday, May 24, or 9-10 am Saturday at the Arts & Sciences Pavilion next to the lists fields on the main meadow – or check the schedule and just show up for the judging. Questions? Please contact the sponsor, Katerra Giese,



These contests will be judged using a shortened form of the Kingdom A&S Rubric. The rubric is also a great guide for you to use as you prepare your entry. It lets you know what you need to prepare.

Here is the judging form that we will adapt for each contest.

The full Kingdom A&S Judging Rubric and an introduction to it can be found here:

A discussion of how to understand and use the rubric can be found on YouTubeat


Please contact Mistress Yseult at