
You can contact all of these gentles via the event email, Please put the area or the individual’s name in the subject line.

Stewards — Terissa of Adiantum & Aila’ntha of Williams Keep

Pre-event Work Parties, Set up / Take Down – TBD

Set-up/Take down main area – TBD

Large machines – TBD

Parking – Scott

Merchants – Tasha

Landmaster – Lord Morgan

Pre-registration and Financial – TBD

Gate – TBD

Porter & shuttle – TBD

Website – Lady Katherine of the Lakes

Chatelaine – Kaisa Turkuinen

Gold Key – Mearwynn the Silent

Volunteers – Adhela of Ottersdam

A&S classes, contests, Little Free Library – Mistress Yseult of Broceliande

Archery – Wilhelm Der Munech

Thrown Weapons – HL Alan Bowyer

Heavy Marshal – Sverre Tjorkillson

Steel Marshal – Bohemond Reynard de Gervais

Lists – Gundehar Holtzson

Heraldry – Eoghan Ua Cléirigh

Garb Exchange – Morrghan O’Siodhachain

Norse Trade Blanket – TBD